Las Vegas: Royole FlexPai, The First Foldable Smartphone

At CES, Royole has presented FlexPai, the device as big as a tablet that turns into a smartphone when folded

Another product presented at CES in Las Vegas that has caused a lot of excitement is Royole FlexPai, the first foldable smartphone.

Equipped with a 7.8-inch AMOLED screen, Royole FlexPai relies on a custom version of Android 9.0, with user interface that rapidly switches between tablet and smartphone mode.

The technology developed by Royole, a California-based US company, is able to handle flexible screens as thin as 0.01 mm and with a bending radius of 1 mm. Its secret is the flexible sensor, a technology on which the company has been working for years and which today is finally able to offer the long-awaited advantages, compared to traditional touch screens.This device is the same size as a tablet and it turns into a smartphone when folded.

There is still room for improvement from the aesthetic point of view, but let’s imagine the impact and influence that the technique applied for FlexPai can have on technological development.

In the design field, a similar technology can offer important differentiation options for developers of technology 3.0, and most efforts will certainly focus on this field, offering products with an increasingly sophisticated look and new functions.Giants such as Samsung, Google, or LG (which at CES 2019 presented the first rollable TV), along with many others, have been working on foldable displays for a long time, but Royole FlexPai is the first that has ever achieved a concrete result.

However, the question here is, will FlexPai be able to stay as popular even after the success achieved in Las Vegas? [Text: Giuseppe D’Orsi]

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