Design Diffusion announces a partnership with IFI – International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers
A new and interesting collaboration for Design Diffusion with the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI). Established in 1963 as not-for-profit association to expand the international network of professional interior architects/designers, IFI currently represents around 275,000 designers, instructors and operators in the design sector worldwide.
Design Diffusion World, a publishing house whose publications have always been distributed internationally, will bring its magazines to all the members of the IFI community to actively promote the culture of design in the world of professional interior architects. DDN and IFI will also develop new activities and organize special in-person and digital events.

IFI is a global forum for the exchange of knowledge and experiences in the field of interior architecture, for the promotion of best practices and social responsibility. Interior architecture designs the spaces we live in and it is important to keep in mind the influence of built space on people’s everyday life, to improve their wellbeing. The Federation can count on a global and very active community. The international interior design community includes all the members of the association, sponsors and institutions that actively take part in the programs.
IFI and interior design
IFI delivers numerous projects to spread the culture of interior design worldwide. These activities include IFI World Interiors Day (IFI WID), IFI Global Awards Program (IFI GAP), IFI Interior Architecture / Design Education Policy (IFI IA/DEP), IFI Interiors Declaration Adoption (IFI IDA), IFI CONGRESS, and IFI General Assembly (IFI GA). All the programs develop cultural activities that make it possible to improve the quality of spaces and people’s wellbeing.
Each year on the occasion of the Salone Del Mobile, IFI organizes an international event to favor networking and the exchange of ideas and experiences between interior designers from all over the world. IFI@Salone is also an opportunity to establish relationships between international and local designers.

IFI awards
In 2019 IFI launched IFI GAP, IFI Global Awards Program. Four awards – representing the highest honours achievable in the Interiors profession – are assigned by an international jury: IFI PRIZE, IFI Design Journalism Award (IFI DJA), Design Distinction Awards (IFI DDA), IFI Fellowship (FoIFI).
In addition to all its programs, IFI also works closely with its members and special industry task forces to conduct research and develop policy, shaped by its universal advocacy platforms and with a global perspective on the interior architecture profession.
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