Digital and virtual design and furniture trade fairs 2020

The furniture and design shows during health emergency in 2020: the digital opportunities

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 sanitary emergency, almost all design and furniture fairs 2020 have been postponed until 2021. However, the market situation and the forced lock-downs in many countries pushed some trade exhibitions to organize digital events to meet the needs of companies. But this is not just about digital marketplaces: many tradeshows organized webinars, with internationally renowned experts on various topics related to the different industries. The presentations of new products and collections are often occasions for conversations, often even quite interesting.

So let’s see which trade exhibitions are taking advantage of the situation to organize a digital presence, from now until the end of the year.

Furniture China and the Digital Trade Show

Furniture China, the furniture fair held in Shanghai in September, will be back in 2020, in physical mode, September 8-12. This year, however, due to the Covid-19 health emergency still ongoing all over the world, there will be also a Digital Trade Show – DTS – for three months, from 8 August to 8 November. Digital Trade Show 2020 offers companies a virtual showroom, with product images and videos, like in a real showroom. Thanks to 1v1 video meetings and the Exhibitor Live Stream, it is possible to meet customers in virtual mode on the digital platform. About 1,000 exhibitors have already confirmed their participation in DTS, the Digital Trade Show 2020, with about 4,000 registrations coming from overseas, not only from China. DTS is a virtual trade show that does not replace Furniture China 2020, but integrates with the physical presence, ideally keeping the merchandise offer, over a period of 3 months.

fiere design 2020
Furniture China 2019

From London: Designscape

As has already been said, there are not only trade shows. Decorex, designjunction, kbb Birmingham and Sleep & Eat joined forces to create Designscape, from 11 to 13 August. Three days of webinars dedicated to interior design, with international experts talking about retail design, home design, and hospitality. The London Design Festival also developed a programme for 2020, however, it is undeniable that much of the physical programme this year will not be happening. Designscape is therefore another opportunity to meet, to keep relationships alive, thanks to new digital technologies. For info, registration and to review all speeches,

Discover Designjunction 2019

fiere design 2020
Gufram at Designjunction 2018

MIFF Universe

MIFF – Malaysia International Furniture Fair, after having postponed the March 2020 edition to March 2021, set up a platform for trade, MIFF Universe. On MIFF Universe it is possible to visit virtual showrooms, display products, organize B2B meetings; to date, about 1,000 buyers from over 80 countries joined the platform. B2B meetings are scheduled on different dates: for Asia Pacific, 11-13 August h. 9am-3pm; North America and South America, 18-20 August h. 8pm-2am, Europe 26-28 August h. 1pm-7pm. All times are in Malaysia’s time zone.

fiere design 2020
The Petronas Twin Towers, icons of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia most famous city

Maison & Objet on line

While waiting for the return to Paris, which we hope will take place on the dates already scheduled, 22-26 January 2021, Maison & Objet, one of the world’s leading design fairs, will be held online only, from 4 to 8 September 2020. The virtual platform offers a digital marketplace, where companies can display their products to buyers who can look at them and buy them. It will be a special edition of MOM, Maison & Objet digital platform, online since 2016, with already 400 thousand registered users. Alongside the digital marketplace, Maison & Objet offers a full webinar program, which will involve many designers and international design professionals.

Review Maison & Objet gennaio 2020

fiere design 2020
Maison & Objet January 2018, Inspiration.

Three digital design days at Marmomac

Marmomac, in view of the ongoing emergency situation in the world, has turned the 2020 trade show into a 3-day digital event dedicated to the industry professionals. From 30 September to 2 October, Marmomac will meet you online, on the digital platform, to engage in trade exchanges and attend webinars with industry professionals.

Discover more on Marmomac 2019 

Details of marble processing from a Marmomac past edition

The London Design Festival and the opportunities for the freelancers

After years of success and very busy programs, the London Design Festival opted not to cancel the 2020 edition altogether, but the digital section will obviously prevail. In details, the focus turned to freelance designers, among the most affected by the pandemic. That’ s why the London Design Festival created a dedicated platform, where freelance designers can publish their work and portfolios. The works and portfolios of freelance designers will be freely accessible, without any filters. The London Design Festival website also hosts webinars, articles, exhibitions and virtual events, trying to replace the real design fairs, just for 2020.

Read all about all of the events at London Design Festival 2019

Magazine London is the new house of Design London, that’s the new name for 100% Design

Thai Groove, the showroom with design from Thailand

Thai Groove is the first multi-brand virtual showroom, where you can buy Thai products directly from manufacturers. Over 100 Thai brands display their products in virtual showrooms. Moreover, from 15th to 17th September 2020, Groove Days, a special Thai Groove event, will take place. During Groove Days, Thai Groove will become a direct line to Thai producers. It will be possible to organize virtual B2B meetings, and to attend webinars related to the industry.

Discover design from Thailand here 

Watch our DDN Tv video on our Youtube Channel

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