SIA Hospitality Design will be back in Rimini from 13 to 15 October 2021

For its 70th anniversary, SIA Hospitality Design will be back in Rimini from 13 to 15 October 2021, in conjunction with TTG Travel Experience and SUN Beach&Outdoor Style. Italy’s most important marketplace for hospitality and beach tourism of the Italian Exhibition Group, has chosen as its theme for 2021 “Be Confident.” Because trust is at the basis of the bond between tourism businesses and travelers.

There will be very interesting companies at SIA: the Contract pavilion has received confirmations from Colombini Group, Pollini, Mobilificio Sangiorgi, Caimi Brevetti, Maisons du Monde. The Rooms exhibition, conceived by designers Andrea Auletta, Studio Svetti, Contract Lab, STUDIOPEPE, Davide Cumini Studio, Vanda Venturi Architetti, will show the most innovative mock-ups of hotel rooms.

Exhibitions showing the future of hotels and wellness
The D2 hall will host the new exhibition Hotel in Motion. Multimedia, technology, connection are the keywords for a hospitality industry looking ahead to the future and innovation. In the hall dedicated to the bathroom and wellness, architect Simone Micheli curates the Wellness exhibition, giving an example of what it means today to dedicate spaces to relaxation and individual well-being in an “energetic flow of volumetric elements.” This hall will see the presence of Carmenta srl, Damast, Ferbox.
Read our interview with Simone Micheli

The supply area hosts the stands of Dorelan, Per Dormire, Permaflex. In the cluster of technologies and services there are Allegrini, 5 Stelle, Indel B, Stark, Scame Parre. The Outdoor Exhibition reinforces the link between design and nature: architect Alessia Galimberti creates a Tailor Living Room with sustainable and innovative materials for outdoor spaces where to escape stress.

Prominent participants in SUN Mare: Ramberti, Tessitura Fabbri, Tessitura Selva, Ombrellificio Magnani, P.F.G, Tecnopress, Migani Industrie, 12 Living; SUN Camping: Bio Habitat, Pircher, Pacchiani, Holz; SUN Giochi: Golden Games. Alberto Zanetta’s Glamping Exhibition offers the opportunity to see projects based on the stories of places and people.
[Text Giulia Calesso]