#Designgoeson: Maurizio Riva, Riva 1920 and the importance of Italian know-how
#Designgoeson: Designdiffusion.com talks with Maurizio Riva, founder of Riva1920, about the possible scenarios and the
#Designgoeson: Designdiffusion.com talks with Maurizio Riva, founder of Riva1920, about the possible scenarios and the
#Designgoeson: Designdiffusion.com talks with Nicola Coropulis, CEO Poltrona Frau, about the health emergency and the
#Designgoeson: how to go on after the Covid-19 health emergency. We have interviewed Gabi Peretto,
#Designgoeson: Designdiffusion.com talks with Filippo Santambrogio, CEO of Viva, about the health emergency, online communication
#Designgoeson: Designdiffusion.com talks with Roberto Gavazzi, CEO of Boffi|De Padova, about smart working and the
#Designgoeson: Designdiffusion.com talks with Massimiliano Messina, President of Flou, about the health emergency, the furniture
#Designgoeson Dear readers, Due to the lockdown caused by the Covid-19, we would like to
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