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In recent years, the world of bathroom and wellness has seen a significant transformation, dictated by new trends and contemporary needs. Today, the bathroom is no longer just a functional place but a true sanctuary of well-being, where design, technology and nature come together to create unique sensory experiences. The metronome of this evolution is Cersaie, the International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings in Bologna, previewed in our product gallery. Combining the design of bathroom and wellness areas, on the one hand, and nature, on the other, proximity to the sea offers endless possibilities for integration: the use of materials such as stone, wood, and glass, combined with ocean-inspired color palettes, helps create spaces that convey calmness and serenity.

As for yachts, the challenge is to combine luxury and functionality in small spaces. In the following pages, you will see Made in Italy innovative solutions that do not their compromise elegance. From the sea to the mountains and the desert, in the OFARCH section we recount, through a curated selection of challenging projects, how high winds and extreme temperatures dictate the use of durable materials and special attention to energy efficiency, which guarantee comfort and safety without neglecting design and well-being.

In this issue, we also dared and turned our gaze beyond our planet, with the project by studio BIG, which is collaborating with ICON, SEArch+ and NASA to create the first lunar habitat. In every context, sustainability is a dominant trend. The use of low-power systems, recycled materials, and green technologies not only meets environmental needs, but also contributes to significantly improving the quality of life of their users.