An award to the Mantua-based company that manufactures poplar plywood

It is always nice to receive an award, especially if it took a lot of effort. Panguaneta, founded in 1960 and now in its third generation, is a company that has grown thanks to investments in innovation and technology, aimed at improving the plants, which allowed it to be a competitive and sustainable company.

This award is based on specific requirements established by the Ufficio Studi of Italy Post: analysis of financial statements and profitability, management and organization, vocation for internationalization, ability to generate high employment levels, approach based on a willingness to invest and grow. Having all these characteristics, plus a turnover of €72 million (2017) and an 8% average annual growth from 2011 to 2017, Panguaneta has been recognized as a competitive and flexible company. [Text Anguilla Segura]