Jacuzzi and LABA, Libera Accademia di Belle Arti, design new outdoor showers, with water heated by sunrays

The new outdoor showers by Jacuzzi, designed by the students of LABA in Rovereto, the design institute headquartered in Brescia, need no electrical connection. To use them, you only need to connect them to a water pipe, heated by sunlight.
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Original, innovative and energy-saving, these new showers have different performance, design and storage capacity. Located at a spa or by a pool, they make outdoor life easier and more enjoyable. Sara Massarutti, Product Manager Jacuzzi, explains the specific goal they wanted to convey to LABA students concerning the design of solar showers: “Our main goal was to design an original way to heat water. Going beyond mere stylistic exercises or aesthetic reinterpretations, students were asked to explore innovative solutions, making a contribution in terms of ergonomics and functionality while maintaining consistency between material and aesthetic value. The use of electricity was not allowed.” [Text Carlotta Russo]