Design Diffusion Video News: Design per tutti, Domus Academy, Pitti Immagine Uomo –

Can design really be for everyone? This was the theme explored by professionals and young designers during four meetings hosted by LevelHub in La Valletta Brianza. News for design schools in Milan. Changes in sight for Domus Academy, 94% of whose students come from all over the world. Between the end of 2019 and the […]
Divani&Divani by Natuzzi Inaugurates Italy’s Largest Flagship Store

Divani&Divani by Natuzzi celebrates its 60th anniversary by opening Italy’s largest flagship store Divani & Divani by Natuzzi opens its largest store in Italy in the province of Varese, in Gerenzano. The 1,000 sq m exhibition area accommodates armchairs, sofas, beds, furniture for the living room and accessories, celebrating the comfort, innovation and craftsmanship offered […]
MuDeTo: The Online Museo del Design Toscano – from the 1970s to the 2010s and beyond

MuDeTo: the online Museo del Design Toscano is at your fingertips, accessible on smartphone and tablet Accessible from smartphone, tablet or PC, MuDeTo offers an overview of the great masters who make up the excellence of Tuscan creativity and presents what happens “behind the scenes”: designers and companies that contributed to the history of Tuscan […]