Architecture Tour_Italia 2019 in Naples

On June 20th, 2019 Naples hosted the first meeting of the Architecture Tour_Italy 2019 – Tradizione e innovazione in architettura. An initiative promoted by Design Diffusion World

On Thursday, June 20th, 2019, Naples hosted the first meeting of the Architecture Tour_Italy 2019 – Tradizione e innovazione in architettura. An initiative promoted by Editorial Group Design Diffusion World, curated by architect Arianna Callocchia and organized in the capital of Campania in collaboration with Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C. di Napoli e Provincia (the professional association gathering architects from Naples and province).

The initiative, consisting in a contest and a training workshop, offered the architects belonging to Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C. di Napoli e Provincia the opportunity to present the most significant projects they carried out over the last two years in the field of restoration, requalification, renovation and interior design of both private and public buildings, to highlight their talent and illustrate today’s local architectural scene thanks to the Editorial Group DDW and its media.

After Antonio Coppola’s welcome speech, architect and coordinator of the Training Department of OAPPC di Napoli e Provincia, the conference continued with an introductory presentation by Arianna Callocchia, architect and curator of Architecture Tour_Italia 2019, and speeches by Giovanni Aurino, architect, Alessandra Fasanaro, architect at od’a officina d’architettura, and Francesco Felice Buonfantino, architect at Gnosis progetti.

At the end of the meeting, Grazia Torre, architect and coordinator of the Department of Work, New Opportunities and Innovation of OAPPC di Napoli e Provincia, proclaimed the winners of the contest. Francesca Russo (Editorial Group Design Diffusion World) offered them the opportunity to be featured in the magazines DDN, OFARCH, DHD and on the website [Arianna Callocchia]

The three special mentions were given to Studio Pica Ciamarra Associati, Studio Aveta and Studio 400gon, while architects Alberto Guarriello and Paola Geirola, from Studio Dueminimo, won the contest with the project Showroom Deliberti in Naples.

Studio Dueminimo also received the two volumes Leonardo – Il codice sul Volo and Leonardo – Disegni e Pitture published by the Istituto Treccani to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Leonardo’s death and the importance of the Italian genius in the creation of the small and big works that Italy needs so much.




Tradizione e innovazione in architettura

An initiative by

Gruppo Editoriale DDW srl (OFARCH, DHD, DDN, DDN TV)

Curated by

Arianna Callocchia

With the support of

Saviola Holding srl

Cordivari srl

RES srl

Special thanks to

“Treccani – la cultura italiana”   “Leonardo 500”


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