Until September 22nd, Design Museum of Helsinki will be hosting Secret Universe, an exhibition on the work carried out by design duo Aamu Song and Johan Olin from Company
Until September 22nd, the Design Museum of Helsinki will be hosting Secret Universe, the exhibition curated by Suvi Saloniemi and architect Linda Bergroth to present the work carried out by Aamu Song and Johan Olin from COMPANY design studio over the last ten years, during their journeys to Japan, Russia, Mexico and other countries, exploring folkloric spirit, traditional craft techniques and local manufacturing skills.

Aamu Song and Johan Olin have been working for 12 years on a project called The Secrets, aimed at uncovering the secrets of traditional craftsmanship and local manufacturing skills. This work started in 2007 in Finland with the collection of objects called Top Secrets of Finland, made with Finnish master craftspeople, and has continued in other countries.

Through playful, interactive, sound installations (some of which are site specific) the exhibition path illustrates Song and Olin’s artistic process: from the journey and the encounter with local master craftsmen, going through all the production stages to the finished object, artwork, clothing item, furnishing.

With the exhibition Secret Universe, the Design Museum presents all The Secrets projects that Song and Olin have been carrying out during their journeys to encourage the visitors to reflect on some topical issues such as the extinction of craftsmanship, today’s bad consumption patterns, the hidden origins of goods and the need for transparent production.

With their work, designers Aamu Song and Johan Olin want to uncover the secrets of craftsmanship and offer new solutions to use traditional products and local materials in the hope of living in a world more sensitive to humankind, nature and sustainable development. [Text Arianna Callocchia]
About the exhibition:
Secret Universe – Maailmojen salat
Aamu Song & Johan Olin
5 April – 22 September 2019
Korkeavuorenkatu 23
The products designed by COMPANY after their travels around the world are available at the Salakauppa Shop in Helsinki: