#Designgoeson: Designdiffusion.com talks with Fabiana Scavolini, CEO Scavolini, about the health emergency and made in Italy production
What measures has Scavolini implemented to deal with the Covid-19 health emergency?
Never before has it been so important to appeal to common sense, pragmatism and the sense of responsibility that distinguishes us as a family of entrepreneurs, because what is at stake now is not only the future of the production sector but also the health of the people who work with and for us. For this reason, we have redefined workloads, given the current situation, by temporarily closing the production area – as per government decree – while the offices that have relations mainly with foreign countries are still working, just like the technical/design offices that actively continue to work to launch of new products. To protect the health of our collaborators, we have immediately taken all the necessary precautions to make our work continuous; we organize virtual meetings with our partners taking full advantage of the potential of new technologies.

How will this situation evolve, in your opinion?
Currently, there are no certainties. First of all, we must see how the health emergency evolves. However, we believe that Made in Italy is an iconic brand all over the world, a symbol of quality and excellence that will be able to recover even after an emergency like this.

How will it affect exports of made in Italy products?
This pandemic will certainly affect people’s lifestyles, consumption patterns and purchasing criteria, subverting certainties that were taken for granted. There will be a completely new scenario to which we are reacting with resolution – also respecting government regulations – to fulfill the commitments made with our clients and, in general, to protect the leadership of Made in Italy on international markets once the emergency is over.
Read also the other interviews with leading figures from the design world:
- #Designgoeson: How China is recovering
- Roberto Gavazzi and Boffi | De Padova
- Filippo Santambrogio, Viva Porte and China
- Massimiliano Messina and Flou, design and Covid-19
- Maurizio Riva: Riva 1920 and communication as a means to rise again
- Nicola Coropulis: Poltrona Frau and the future of Made in Italy design
- Giovanni Del Vecchio, Giorgetti: safeguarding the supply chain
- Alberto Lualdi and online communication to start anew
- Matteo Moretti, Vistosi: this crisis will change the way we work
- Silvia Gallotti, Gallotti & Radice: taking on new challenges
- Paolo Castelli: protecting the supply chain and reinventing the Salone del Mobile

What tools are you going to adopt to overcome this difficult period?
During the lockdown, we are doing our best to think about the future and keep working. It will be important to act as a system, like Italians do, and redefine ways of thinking and acting to overcome this moment of crisis. As we have been doing since the beginning of this emergency, we will strive to ensure that our employees can operate safely in the workplace. Moreover, we are implementing all possible tools to make our services available online to offer our clients the best service possible.

The health emergency and the Salone del Mobile
Until today we had never thought we would do without the Salone del Mobile di Milano. The Salone is still a fundamental reference point both for us as a company and for the industry in general. We will work hard to cope with its postponement to prepare an even more memorable 2021 edition. 2021 will also mark the sixtieth anniversary of Scavolini, as well as that of the Salone del Mobile.Milano.

What tools are you going to use to replace the Salone or the fairs that will not be held in 2020?
First of all, we are holding virtual meetings with our sales network. Moreover, we will try to take full advantage of new technologies to present new products to the general public. There is always the possibility to organize special in-person events during the year but we will make our considerations on a case-by-case basis. We will see how the health emergency evolves.

Are you planning to improve communication? How?
During this period, staying in contact with clients and all our partners in general is very important. For this reason, we are leveraging the full potential of all new technologies, from intranet to social media and newsletters. Not only are these tools fundamental to look ahead to the future and keep working but also to be always present and dialogue with clients and stakeholders, who are hyperconnected.
Featured image, DeLinea kitchen by Vuesse for Scavolini
Read also the other interviews with leading figures from the design world:
- #Designgoeson: How China is recovering
- Roberto Gavazzi and Boffi | De Padova
- Filippo Santambrogio, Viva Porte and China
- Massimiliano Messina and Flou, design and Covid-19
- Maurizio Riva: Riva 1920 and communication as a means to rise again
- Nicola Coropulis: Poltrona Frau and the future of Made in Italy design
- Giovanni Del Vecchio, Giorgetti: safeguarding the supply chain
- Alberto Lualdi and online communication to start anew
- Matteo Moretti, Vistosi: this crisis will change the way we work
- Silvia Gallotti, Gallotti & Radice: taking on new challenges
- Paolo Castelli: protecting the supply chain and reinventing the Salone del Mobile