Among our top 10 most popular posts on, the calendar of international trade fairs ranks first
1 – The constantly updated calendar of international design and furniture fairs
The health emergency has had a really heavy impact on many economic activities, above all those involving the presence of many people in the same place. Among these, of course, are trade fairs, and nearly all of them have been cancelled. Some fairs have been held virtually, others have been postponed to 2021, some even to 2022, depending on their annual or biennial frequency. The only physical furniture and design fairs of 2020 have been imm cologne and Maison & Objet, in January, CIFF Guangzhou, July 27-30, CIFF Shanghai, September 7-11, Furniture China, September 8-12, Design Beijing and Design Shanghai. However, the fact that the calendar of furniture and design fairs is among the most read and searched posts suggests that in-person events are still very popular.
Click here to read the constantly updated calendar of trade fairs
Read also our top 10 product design posts in 2020

2 – DDW – Design Diffusion World teams up with Webidoo and Alibaba
The webinar dedicated to the partnership between Webidoo, agency specializing in the digitalization of Italian SMEs, and, worldwide e-commerce platform, was a real success. Thanks to DDW – Design Diffusion World, Made in Italy furniture will be able to access the world’s leading e-commerce platform. DDW will manage affiliation, content, marketing campaigns, to enhance the identity of each company and to capitalize on the economic and promotional potential on a global scale, thanks to its presence on the platform.
To discover more click here
3 – DDN and IFI-International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers
A new and interesting collaboration for Design Diffusion with the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI). IFI currently represents around 275,000 designers, instructors and operators in the design sector worldwide. Design Diffusion World will bring its magazines to all the members of the IFI community to actively promote the culture of design in the world of professional interior architects.
Discover here all the initiatives organized by DDN and IFI
Read also our top 10 architecture and interior design posts in 2020
4 – How to set up a home office
A topical issue in 2020, remote working has been popular among readers as well. In this post, tips, tricks and products to better organize the workspace in your home.

5 – Milano Design City
In the absence of all trade fairs, Milan took advantage of the first 10 days of October to organize a series of in-person events, including DDN HUB, in Piazza Castello. Fashion shows, debates, meetings, conferences, presentations, and everything allowed by anti-pandemic regulations, animated the Milanese scene, from September 28 to October 10.
Click here to see the calendar of Milano Design City – DDN HUB

6 – Geberit Aqua Clean Tuma
The sixth most read post in 2020 is about AquaClean Tuma shower toilet, the most versatile shower toilet in Geberit’s AquaClean collection, available in the wall-mounted version and since July 2019 also in the free-standing version. It is equipped with hi-tech functions that turn every moment in the bathroom into a wellness experience.
Discover our top 10 architecture and interior design posts in 2020

7 – Salone del Mobile.Milano
Postponed twice during this year and finally rescheduled for 2021, Salone del Mobile.Milano is doubtlessly one of the most interesting events for the general public. Now the date for the next Salone del Mobile.Milano is set: September 5-10, 2021.

Discover temporary architectures, the booths of Salone del Mobile.Milano 2019
8 – The new Moroni Gomma store in Milan
Despite the numerous forced closures of stores due to the health emergency, Moroni Gomma has managed to open a new store in Milan, at Corso Garibaldi 123. The new concept store offers furnishing accessories, household items, eyewear, fashion accessories. The project is by Varese-based firm duearchitetti, with lighting design by Davide Groppi defining and separating spaces.
Read also our top 10 product design posts in 2020

9 – #Designgoeson: interview with Alessandro Saviola, president of the homonymous group
During the lockdown period, interviewed several Italian entrepreneurs to get an overview of the initiatives put in place to counter the emergency. All the interviews were successful, but the most read was that with Alessandro Saviola, who told us that the Saviola Group was among the first companies to promote circular economy, thanks to a revolutionary idea. Today Saviola produces chipboard panels using only post-consumer wood, a sustainable production system that respects the environment.
Read our interview with Alessandro Saviola and discover all the interviews with leading Italian companies
- #Designgoeson: How China is recovering
- Roberto Gavazzi and Boffi | De Padova
- Filippo Santambrogio, Viva Porte and China
- Massimiliano Messina and Flou, design and Covid-19
- Maurizio Riva: Riva 1920 and communication as a means to rise again
- Nicola Coropulis: Poltrona Frau and the future of Made in Italy design
- Giovanni Del Vecchio, Giorgetti: safeguarding the supply chain
- Alberto Lualdi and online communication to start anew
- Matteo Moretti, Vistosi: this crisis will change the way we work
- Silvia Gallotti, Gallotti & Radice: taking on new challenges
- Paolo Castelli: protecting the supply chain and reinventing the Salone del Mobile
- Fabiana Scavolini and made in Italy production
- Marco Piva and China’s return to work
- Stefano Gavazzi, Concreta: the hospitality industry goes on all the same
- Angelo Meroni, Lema: the future of made in Italy

10 – Trends in ceramic surfaces
The trends in ceramic surfaces published at the beginning of the year hold the 10th place among the most read posts. Though companies have updated their production and launched new products throughout 2020, since there was no exhibition during the year, the trends from Cersaie 2019 are still valid. And people agree.
Discover Cersaie 2019