design finlandese, Ville Kokkonen, alvar Aalto

Finnish design in Rome

Rome is to host a talk with Ville Kokkonen about the new generation of Finnish designers and the common values with Studio Aalto

Ville Kokkonen, one of the most famous contemporary Finnish designers in the world, is the protagonist of Finnish Design. The new generation of Finnish Designers and the common values with Studio Aalto. The meeting will take place on February 22, 2024, 6-7.30 p.m., in the Sala Carlo Scarpa of the MAXXI MAXXI National Museum of 21st Century Arts, Via Guido Reni 4A, Rome.

finnish design, Ville Kokkonen, alvar Aalto
Ville Kokkonen – Aalto University – Aalto ARTS – ph: Lasse Lecklin

Finnish architecture and design

The meeting with Ville Kokkonen is the first in a series of two meetings titled Finnish Architecture and Design. The new generation of Finnish Architects and Designers and the common values with Studio Aalto scheduled at MAXXI on the occasion of the exhibition AALTO – Aino Alvar Elissa. The Human Dimension of Design (open to the public until May 26, 2024).

This event has been organized to highlight the role and the importance that the sustainability and human dimension of the project play in contemporary Finnish architecture and design. Its goal is to foster discussion and create an opportunity for dialogue and professional exchange between the Italian and the Finnish scene.

The event, curated by Arianna Callocchia, is promoted by MAXXI National Museum of 21st Century Arts, and is organized in collaboration with Embassy of Finland in Italy, ATL – The Association of Finnish Architects’ Offices, Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C. di Roma e provincia (Rome Chamber of Architects) and IED Roma – Istituto Europeo di Design. Partner of the events ACROBATICA. Media Partner ENI.

finnish design, Ville Kokkonen, alvar Aalto
ARTEK lights. Ph: Tuomas Uusheimo

The meeting with Ville Kokkonen

During the meeting, moderated by Saverio Sturm, Associate Professor in History of Architecture, Roma Tre University, Finnish designer Ville Kokkonen, founder of Ville Kokkonen Office for Industrial Design, will illustrate a selection of some of his most significant works.

Sustainable and human-scale projects made with natural and innovative materials for ecologically and socially responsible project development. The recycled aluminum chair designed to guarantee a lasting impact on the use and performance of the product, the therapeutic lamp designed by focusing on the potential of light as a tool to give well-being to the human being and the travel parasol designed to be used during work or free time using solar energy are just some of the projects that will be illustrated by the designer.

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