Teatro Arcimboldi in Milan is hosting Full Metal Karma, an installation by contemporary artist Max Papeschi
TAM Teatro Arcimboldi Milano once again opens its doors to the art world by hosting in its foyer an installation by well-known contemporary artist Max Papeschi until June 5, 2024.

A spin-off of the Extinction project, curated by Stefania Morici, Full Metal Karma is a work designed to make the viewer reflect on the absurdity of war by playing on anecdotal symbolism that emerges from multiple levels of reading, with references ranging from pop culture to non-fiction.
Full Metal Karma
Max Papeschi’s installation Full Metal Karma features a marble statue with the body of Buddha and the head of Napoleon, a visual oxymoron typical of his works. Behind the statue is a Tibetan mandala with geometric elements that refer to Napoleonic aesthetics, all accompanied by the echo of a metaphysical soundtrack that fills the room and makes the installation meditative and immersive. Completing the installation are two videos by Giorgio Angelico and Maurizio Temporin, which drag the viewer into a surreal and mystical atmosphere that is also extremely familiar.

The concept
The concept of the installation echoes the idea behind the original project, namely the misinterpretation of elements of human culture and history by alien archaeologists.
In this specific case, the “translation” process mixes two iconic and diametrically opposed figures: Buddha, the founder of Eastern philosophy, who yearns for inner peace in order to achieve enlightenment, and Napoleon Bonaparte, the emblem of Western philosophical thought devoted to action and derived from the Age of Enlightenment. The semantic crossover between the two Enlightenments gave rise to the main terrestrial doctrine, according to the aliens, i.e., the quest for inner peace through a perpetual state of belligerence. One of the hypotheses about mass extinction revolves precisely around the theory that humans would eventually annihilate each other one war after another.

The project
Full Metal Karma, curated by Stefania Morici, is organized by Show Bees and Arteventi, under the patronage of the City of Milan. This project is the result of the collaboration of a network of important partners.
In fact, the creation of the marble statue was made possible by the partnership with Terzago Robotics and Exolife, innovative startups dedicated to the development and commercialization of robotic technologies. Printable Media, a leading company in staging and digital printing, curated the setup, while lighting design, essential for the proper viewing of the installation, is by Relco Group.
Moreover, Fabrizio Campanelli’s sound design, evokes echoes of revolution, glorious risings, in a suspended and mystical space in which La Marseillaise, expanded and slowed down towards infinity, becomes a matrix of itself.
Architect Giovanni Musica of MGAlab curated and coordinated the exhibition design. MiHUB and Bee Best also collaborated on the project. Media Partners: DDN and Snob Magazine. Advertising Partner: Blumedia Group. Audio Video Service: Snapshot Eventi.
Photo: Arianna Bonucci