Alice Pedroletti’s Colored Paper Sculptures Arrive in Venice at Marignana Arte

“Measuring reality: Marignana Arte presents in Venice the collective exhibition IDEAL-TYPES [CHAPTER 2]. Among the eight international artists, there is also Milan-based Alice Pedroletti, until September 7th

Inspired by Max Weber sociological theory, Ideal-Types [Chapter 2] shares characteristics with real objects from daily life although it does neither derive from nor correspond to any concrete example. With powerful juxtapositions and contemporary poetics that require a creative and bold reflection, the exhibition curated by Alfredo Cramerotti and Elsa Barbieri builds a charming, meticulous and tenuous verisimilitude.

For the second chapter, Alice Pedroletti, a Milan-based artist and the link with the project inaugurated last year at the Hero Gallery in Amsterdam, presents Study for a sculpture (2016/19): colored paper sculptures, photographs and sketches.

In Alice’s research, the ideal type is a device to unilaterally (and rationally) measure reality. Her sculptures have all the possible functions, measurable and accessible, performable depending on the occasion and the subject. Similar to small organisms that live in micro-environments or details of everyday objects, her series represents an organic and utopian architecture, combined with trees, animals, people, things: a group of prototypes that acquire relevance in the distribution of distance in the space.Paper and rubber bands adapt to the metamorphosis of time, making these sculptures temporary and fragile, ephemeral, forcing us to consider their relationship with the archive, the focal point of the artist’s research.The temporary quality of prototypes does not hinder their persistence, which is ensured by Alice’s photographs that suspend the sculptures in a perfect condition, offering the (only) chance to reclaim the prototype from the past and (eternally) re-activate it in the present.

The exhibition runs until September 7th, 2019, at Marignana Arte, Dorsoduro, 141, 30123 Venice VE

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