Requalification of places and buildings, respect for the territory, environmental sustainability and quality were the themes of the second edition of Premio Architettura Toscana
Young, with low budgets, great respect for the environment, looking ahead to the future. This is the new generation of architects, as evidenced by the second edition of Premio Architettura Toscana (PAT), aimed at encouraging reflection on contemporary architecture that transforms the territory and spreading design culture as an assurance of environmental and civil quality.
The guidelines of this edition were requalification of places and buildings, respect for the territory, environmental sustainability and quality. The winning projects harmonize with nature with minimal interventions and requalify places and buildings with a low budget. The winners are six, divided into five categories:
First work
Casetta nell’oliveto (house in the olive grove, Serravalle Pistoiese–Pistoia)
The requalification of an unauthorized building through environmental strategies and techniques strongly connected to the existing context made it possible to heal a “wound” in the landscape.Podere Navigliano (San Giovanni d’Asso–Siena)
This project is the result of a careful restoration of a building carried out by adding few recognizable elements and with a special attention to traditional materials and techniques.
New construction
Foresteria del pellegrino di Siloe (Cinigiano–Grosseto)
The project shows a perfect harmony with the landscape and attention to the layout of the site and the distance between its bodies. The anchoring to the ground was carefully studied and the whole building shows impressive coherence and measure.
Restoration or requalification
Arsenali della Repubblica di Pisa
The jury appreciated the overall quality of the intervention both for the careful restoration of the original dilapidated architecture and the addition of contemporary functions integrated in the context.
Installation or interiors
New lighting system of Basilica di Santa Croce (Florence)
The intervention was appreciated for the careful and precious use of lighting as narrative tool that provides citizens with a new image of the basilica and enlivens the square through a dialogue made possible by an innovative use of technologies.
Public space, landscape architecture or regeneration
Shelter #1 in Prato
This small technical “nave” becomes a social contribution to a profoundly changing territorial and social context, offering a new and necessary informal meeting space. The assembly and articulation of the few materials used is exemplary.The awards ceremony took place on Thursday, May 30th at Palazzina Reale on piazza Stazione, home to Ordine and Fondazione Architetti Firenze, as well as the exhibition of the winning projects and the selected projects, open until Friday, June 21st.
The competition was organized by Consiglio regionale della Toscana, Ordine degli Architetti PPC di Firenze, Federazione degli Architetti della Toscana, Ordine degli Architetti PPC di Pisa, Fondazione Architetti Firenze and Ance Toscana, supported by Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti. [Giuseppe D’Orsi]