MuDeTo: the online Museo del Design Toscano is at your fingertips, accessible on smartphone and tablet
Accessible from smartphone, tablet or PC, MuDeTo offers an overview of the great masters who make up the excellence of Tuscan creativity and presents what happens “behind the scenes”: designers and companies that contributed to the history of Tuscan design, less known but no less important.

The goal of MuDeTo is to make the setting where an important part of Italian design originated known to the public before it is completely forgotten.

“Without undergrowth, no forest can survive long,” say founders Gianfranco Gualtierotti, Umberto Rovelli and Luigi Trenti. From Anfibio, the convertible sofa bed designed by Alessandro Becchi for Giovannetti Collezioni to the Quadrone modular armchairs by Carlo Bimbi and Nilo Gioacchini, to A90/Studio, the drafting machine designed by Paolo Parigi and produced by Heron Parigi, many products and designers must not be forgotten in order to have a clearer picture of contemporary complexity.

MuDeTo wants to be a digital archive for educational purposes that plans, through partnerships already established, to extend on a national scale, highlighting fundamental designs that are little known to the general public. [Chiara Sgreccia]