
ADI Design Index 2019, the selection of Italian designs competing for Compasso d’Oro 2020

ADI Design Index, the volume that presents a selection of the best Italian designs competing for the Compasso d’Oro 2020 awards, is back with a new edition

Cover ADI Design Index 2019

Also this year, ADI Design Index, thanks to a Permanent Design Observatory consisting of over 100 experts from all over Italy, has selected the best examples of Italian design.

Alamo, by David Lopez Quincoces for LEMA

ADI, Associazione per il Disegno Industriale, examined 970 entries including products, projects and services, and selected 378 of them, including 178 selected last year, which will be able to participate in the Compasso d’Oro 2020 awards, the world’s most prestigious award for industrial design, which recognizes the quality of Italian design. This selection showcases the best examples of Italian design, from North to South, showing all the facets of Italian production.


Sound absorbing panels PATCH by Defne Koz, Marco Susani- Koz Susani Design for True Design

A selection of the best Italian design products

In Italy design arises and develops in different ways since each region has a different expertise in line with the local economy, culture and needs. The section of the catalogue titled “1,300 kilometres of Made in Italy design” shows the evolution of design throughout the country through the words of the presidents of the ADI territorial delegations.

It is possible to purchase he volume that gathers the best Italian projects and products of 2019 here.

This year’s selected products reflect the trend of increasingly sustainable design

BIBLIOHUB AIB, Associazione Italiana Biblioteche Alterstudio Partners

It is possible to visit an exhibition in Milan and Rome presenting a significant number of the products selected by ADI Design Index 2019, accompanied by videos and information illustrating each project. The exhibition has been designed by Cortesi Design (Angelo Cortesi, Mauro Borella, Alessio Puleo and Carlo Ronchi) with Francesco Schianchi.

RHINOCEROS AT SAEPTA Fondazione Alda Fendi – Esperimenti Raffaele Curi – Fondazione Alda Fendi

In Milan, during the presentation, the winners of the ADI Design Index 2019 Award for Innovation and the winner of the ADI Special Award chosen from among those selected for the Design Competition Dubai Expo 2020 were announced. During the presentation in Rome, the plaques for Excellence of Design in Lazio 2019 will be awarded.

[Text Carlotta Russo]

The SMATRIK armchair by Tokujin Yoshioka for Kartell has won the ADI Design Index 2019 Award for Innovation


ADI Design Index Milano

15 – 20 October 2019 

Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci

via San Vittore 21, Milan


Opening hours:

Tue-Fri: 9.30 am – 5 pm

Sat-Sun: 9.30 am – 6.30 pm


ADI Design Index Roma

23 – 26 November 2019

Casa dell’Architettura – Acquario Romano

p.zza Manfredo Fanti 47, Rome

Opening hours: 10 am – 6 pm

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