Hospitality and green areas: two important subjects for the seminars of Architect@Work scheduled for November 14th in Milan

Hospitality and green façades are the subjects of the seminars scheduled for November 14th at Architect@Work Milano, with Massimo Iosa Ghini and DC10 Architetti

Brickell Flatiron, Miami, residential project by Iosa Ghini Associati, currently under construction

Two important seminars are scheduled for November 14th, 2019 at Architect@Work Milano.

Massimo Iosa Ghini and DC10 Architetti will deal with two topical issues: the role of architecture in hospitality and buildings with green façades.

Starhotel E.CH.O, Bologna, a project by Iosa Ghini Associati

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To see the seminars of Architect@Work Torino 2019 held on October 24th click here

Accogliere con l’architettura – November 14th – 1:30 pm – 4 CFP professional training credits

Massimo Iosa Ghini, from Iosa Ghini Associati practice, relying on his extensive experience in the hospitality and retail sectors, will talk about how architects can design new hospitality concepts and innovative facilities.

Alitalia Lounge, project by Iosa Ghini Associati (2009)

Among the latest projects we can mention Starhotel E.CH.O, in Bologna, opposite to Fico Eataly World food farming park. The structure, currently under construction, will involve zero land use. As a consequence, the project entails the renovation of existing buildings, using only green certified materials.

Starhotel E.CH.O, Bologna, project by Iosa Ghini Associati

Il verde nelle facciate: due progetti iconici – November 14th – 5:30 pm – 3 CFP professional training credits

Architects Marco Vigo, Alessia Garibaldi and Giorgio Piliego from DC10 Architetti will present two buildings showing the relationship between indoor and outdoor spaces, paying special attention to green façades.

The buildings are Living Tortona, on via Tortona, Milan, and Euro Group, Bollate. Living Tortona is a residential complex whose architectural composition creates dynamic volumes. Green has been integrated on the terraces to create an ideal continuity between indoor and outdoor spaces, such as in the two central patios, optimizing natural light.

Living Tortona, project by DC10 Architetti, at Architect@Work, Milan, 2019

On the other hand, the Euro Group building in Bollate required to pay attention to environmental restrictions. For this reason façades are characterized by vertical green surfaces that perfectly harmonize with the environmental system of the Groane Park.

Living Tortona, project by DC10 Architetti

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Discover the seminars of Architect@Work Milano by clicking here
To see the seminars of Architect@Work Torino 2019 held on October 23 rd click here
To see the seminars of Architect@Work Torino 2019 held on October 24 th click here

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