#Designgoeson: Maurizio Santambrogio, Res Italia, made in Italy beyond the emergency

#Designgoeson: Design Diffusion.com talks with Maurizio Santambrogio, Res Italia, about the Salone del Mobile (cancelled) and small events

Covid-19 health emergency and economic consequences: what awaits us?

The health emergency has brought with it several elements of uncertainty, also from an economic point of view. In addition to doubts about when and how we will back to work, there are, of course, big questions about the endurance of the market. Made in Italy furniture and design have always been highly appreciated worldwide and companies working in the wood furniture industry generally export more than 50% of their production. However, this global stop brings with it many questions. If, on the one hand, thinking that all countries are at a standstill consoles us somehow, on the other hand, it is also important to carefully plan the return to work so that Italian companies do not fall behind, losing market share.

How will this stop affect the exports of made in Italy products?

It is hard to tell. China, which stopped before us, is recovering and may be a market on which we can rely, since we cannot count on either European countries or the United States at present. However, until we resume production and shipping, the risk of losing orders and clients is always on the table. It will depend on many factors, including how much and how we will be able to travel, when we will be able to go abroad again. Now it is impossible to make predictions.

Read also the other interviews with leading figures from the design world:

In 2020 the Salone del Mobile will not be held. How may the absence of the Salone del Mobile impact the design industry?

This is the first time that the Salone del Mobile di Milano has been cancelled in 30 years. It will be a testing ground for the whole industry. For Milan and the whole hospitality sector – hotels, apartments, bars, restaurants, taxis – consequences will be very serious, and we cannot deny it. On the other hand, coming to the trade fair in the narrow sense, the problem may be less serious than we may think. There will be no sales resulting from the fair, we will not establish new contacts, but there will be no costs of the fair, and this, at least in part, will compensate for lower revenues.

It will be necessary to find a way to present new products and to keep in contact with clients. Res Italia was supposed to inaugurate a permanent showroom in Milan during the Salone del Mobile but its inauguration has been postponed. We will take advantage of the opening of this new space to organize meetings with clients and keep relations alive. It will be like organizing some ‘mini Salone’ and keeping the flag of Made in Italy design flying.

Read also the other interviews with leading figures from the design world:

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