Archispritz: the videos of the architecture webinars

Every Wednesday from January 20 to April 7, the architecture webinars of the new format Archispritz, curated by Silvano Arcamone and Grazia Torre, were held. The 12 weekly webinars hosted prestigious Italian and international contemporary architects. The interviewees addressed major issues such as urban regeneration, the quality of architecture and the environment, the life cycle of buildings, the role of artificial intelligence. These meetings provided the opportunity to reflect on the dramatic period we are going through and discover new ways of using public and private spaces, with greater quality and awareness. Now, more than ever, the world of architecture and design is called to collaborate and create a better future. The hundreds of people who logged in each week confirmed the great interest in the topics discussed.


Below, the videos of the webinars. Follow Design Diffusion on YouTube to watch all the videos and visit the channel on a regular basis to be stay updated

Maria Claudia Clemente and Franco Isidori, from Labics, on January 20, talked about the relationship between ancient and modern in architecture

The webinar held on January 27 hosted Carlo Ratti, from Carlo Ratti Associati, and dealt with the city and the relationship between innovation and humanity

On February 3, Teresa Sapey, from Teresa Sapey + Partners, talked about pop culture in design

Manuel Ruisanchez, from Manuel Ruisanchez Architects, talked about architecture and landscape on February 10

On February 17, it was Alfonso Femia’s turn, Atelier Femia, to talk about light and architecture

On February 24, Salvator John Liotta, from Laps Architecture, explored the topic of bioclimatic design

Giorgio Donà, from Stefano Boeri Interiors, on March 3, talked about interior spaces and nature

On March 10, Claudio Lucchesi, from UFO, analyzed the changes in offices and homes in the post-Covid era

Cherubino Gambardella, from Gambardella Architetti, on March 17, talked about setups and installations in architecture

On March 24, Toti Semerano, from Laboratorio di Architettura, talked about architecture as a hands-on art

On March 31, Federico Florena, from Tiar Studio, presented his multidisciplinary integrated approach for new design challenges

The last webinar in the first series of The Archispritz, on April 7, hosted Guendalina Salimei, from Tstudio, who discussed inclusion and sustainability in architecture

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