Every year, Targa Rodolfo Bonetto rewards the projects of students from different design schools in the categories of traveling, living, working, leisure, music
Also in 2022, Targa Rodolfo Bonetto has awarded several innovative projects applying design as a method to improve the quality of experiences. For the 25th edition, the jury consisted of Marco Bonetto, Decio Carugati, writer, Mauro Afro Borella, architect and professor, Aldo Castellano, professor, Luciano Galimberti, President of ADI, Flavio Manzoni, Chief Design Officer of Ferrari, Giovanna Mazzocchi, President of Editoriale Domus. Every year, the award, with the contribution of Regione Lombardia, goes to the most innovative projects selected from more than 100 contestants in 5 categories: traveling, living, working, leisure, and musical instruments. Let’s discover the winners of the 2022 edition.
Targa d’Onore of the 25th Targa Rodolfo Bonetto Award
Architect Luciano Galimberti, President of ADI, received the Targa d’Onore as a “thank you” from the entire Italian design community for his efforts to promote Italian design around the world.

The awards of the 25th edition of the Targa Rodolfo Bonetto Award, 2022
First place
The overall winner is Swarmix, a project by Edoardo Amato, Enrico Canella and Giacomo Pizzoni, from IED Milano. This project allows people who request it to be constantly connected to a beehive built of mycelium, a natural material, thanks to a special app. In fact, the hive is constantly monitored with a system of integrated sensors and cameras.
Second place
Sofia Luppi Areosa, Gianluca Pegolo and Lorenzo Taccetta, from Politecnico di Milano, have developed Pastago. Pastago is a small household appliance for making pasta at home quickly and easily. With Pastago it is possible to use different flours; therefore, even those with food intolerances do not have to avoid pasta as they can simply choose flours that do not have contraindications. Moreover, it is also a way to share food preparation, not only its consumption, in a convivial way.
Third place
Designed by Alessandro Ingravalle from IED Milano, IEDEX is a leasing service of IED-branded electric bikes, equipped for urban and out-of-town rides. The bike has an integrated navigation system on the handlebars and can be equipped with two bags. One bag contains what is necessary for an overnight stay and the other contains everything needed for a night of camping. The IEDEX bike project configuration includes trips around Milan or in the suburbs to get to know the city better.
Special mention
Quantum ergo six, a project by Alessandro Boscariol, from ISIA Roma Design in Pordenone, has redesigned cross-country ski poles. The poles in this project can be completely disassembled to allow for complete recycling and to replace individual components in case they break. The materials, in addition to making the poles repairable, make them more durable and useable for other activities as well, such as hiking, Nordic walking, or roller skiing. Lastly, these poles have a new, more ergonomic shape for optimized performance.
Targa della Critica
Targa della Critica, the critics’ award goes to Jellyfish & Claw, a project by Simone Scuteri from Isia Pescara. It consists of two pieces of cutlery for eating finger food or street food without having to use your hands, inspired by Asian chopsticks. Jellyfish is made of Mater-Bi, the biodegradable bioplastic; while Claw is made of 18/10 stainless steel and can also be used in professional settings.