ARCHITECTURE TOUR_Italia 2019, the touring seminar dedicated to architects, reached Palermo last September 26th

On September 26th, 2019, Palermo hosted the fifth meeting of the Architecture Tour_Italia 2019 – Tradizione e innovazione in architettura. An initiative promoted by Design Diffusion World, curated by architect Arianna Callocchia and organized in the capital of Sicily in collaboration with Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C. della Provincia di Palermo (the professional association gathering architects from Palermo and province).
A contest and a training workshop
This initiative, consisting in a contest and a training workshop, offered “under 50” architects who are members of the Ordine della Provincia di Palermo the opportunity to present the most significant projects they carried out over the last two years in the field of restoration, requalification, renovation and interior design of both private and public buildings. Moreover, the architects had the occasion to show their talent thanks to the Editorial Group Design Diffusion World and its media channels.

The seminar and the awards ceremony were held in the Mario Scavuzzo Hall in the headquarters of Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C. della Provincia di Palermo with the support of three internationally renowned companies – Saviola Holding srl, Cordivari srl, RES srl.

Following the welcome speech by Francesco Miceli, architect and president of Ordine degli Architetti di Palermo, the conference continued with the three architectural exhibitions of the members of Ordine di Palermo by Mario Chiavetta, architect and head of the Cultural Department, an introductory presentation by Arianna Callocchia, architect and curator of Architecture Tour_Italia 2019, and speeches by architects Marco Alesi, Cristina Calì and Alberto Cusumano, from AM3 Architetti Associati, and architect Massimiliano Masellis from studio MMA | Massimiliano Masellis Architetti.
The winning projects on DDWORLD magazines and website

At the end of the meeting, the winners of the contest were announced. They will have the opportunity to be featured in the magazines DDN, OFARCH, DHD and on the website

The three special mentions were given to architect Studio Monaco Architetti Associati, architect Gianluca Insinna and architects Aldo Li Bianchi and Laura Galvano, while architects Carmelo Lo Curto, Giovanni Maduli and Enzo Rosario Mazzola won the contest with the requalification of Isolato n.5 all’Albergheria in Palermo.

The winners received the two volumes Leonardo – Il codice sul Volo and Leonardo – Disegni e Pitture published by Istituto Treccani to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Leonardo’s death and the importance of the Italian genius in the creation of the small and big works that Italy needs so much.
The volumes published by Treccani pay a tribute to the great genius

Leonardo – Il codice sul Volo
A collection without order, as the master defined it, whose common thread is ingenuity, which becomes prophetic in the parts about the great bird that would allow man to fly. Eighteen sheets of yellowed paper (212 x 152 mm), with a cover in yellowed rustic cardboard, make up this manuscript with drawings and texts dating from 1503 to 1506, where Leonardo took notes of his reflections upon direct observation of the flight of birds, their anatomy – compared to human –, the movements of the air in relation to the movements of birds that he observed from Monte Ceceri.
Il codice sul volo degli uccelli, kept at the Turin Royal Library, was reproduced by Treccani directly from Leonardo da Vinci’s original manuscript, respecting every detail with absolute fidelity – from format to colors, from the different cut of each page to the quality of the materials. The manuscript was reproduced after the restoration carried out in 2018 at the Istituto centrale per il restauro e la conservazione del patrimonio archivistico e librario in Rome. Il codice sul volo degli uccelli looks like an ancient notebook, accompanied by a 90-page text containing the diplomatic transcription by Prof. Augusto Marinoni. Each volume is numbered by hand.
Leonardo – Disegni e Pitture
Leonardo – Disegni e Pitture is a dynamic volume that reinterprets Leonardo in the light of any available knowledge. The opening essay by Edoardo Villata, a leading expert on Leonardo, provides the historical context and highlights his importance for universal art.
This 380-page volume traces his artistic path through 300 pictures, illustrating his masterpieces, his biography and the updated catalogue of the works, with details and technical information.
The conspicuous body of texts, almost always fragmentary, and the countless sketches and drawings scattered in Leonardo’s manuscripts, make these evocative codes unique works. The manuscripts are the most important legacy left by Leonardo to help us understand the attitude of the genius in all his intellectual and expressive actions.