The Contribution of Women in Contemporary Architecture: The Spanish Example

The Contribution of Women in Contemporary Architecture: a webinar promoted by the Foundation of the Chamber of Architects of the Province of Milan, Thursday 11 November, 6:00-8:00 pm
The Foundation of the Chamber of Architects of the Province of Milan continues the series of meetings dedicated to the role of women in contemporary architecture. After the first and the second series, consisting in four conferences dedicated to Switzerland, Finland, Great Britain and Denmark, now it’s the turn of Spain.
During the webinar The Contribution of Women in Contemporary Architecture: The Spanish Example, the architects will illustrate some works recently completed in Spain. The goal is to present their approach to Spanish architecture as to environmental sustainability, the social sphere, technological innovation, building redevelopment.
Discover The Contribution of Women in Contemporary Architecture: The Swiss Example
Discover The Contribution of Women in Contemporary Architecture: The Finnish Example
Read The Contribution of Women in Contemporary Architecture: The British Example
Read The Contribution of Women in Contemporary Architecture: The Danish Example

Blanca Lleò and Belinda Tato: women in contemporary Spanish architecture
The conference has three moments. The welcome speech by Marialisa Santi, Consul of the Foundation and of the Chamber of Architects of the Province of Milan, and Carlos Tercero, Cultural Counsellor Embassy of Spain in Italy, will be followed by speeches by Blanca Lleó, Blanca Lleó Estudio (Madrid) and Belinda Tato, Ecosistema Urbano (Madrid). Blanca Lleó presents a selection of projects dealing with people’s wellbeing and respect for the environment. Belinda Tato illustrates the new Malaga University Campus, which will be completed in 2022, and a selection of bioclimatic public spaces that incorporate new technologies and social participation processes. The meeting will be moderated by Maria Vittoria Capitanucci, architectural historian, Politecnico di Milano.
This webinar is promoted by the Chamber of Architects of the Province of Milan, Italian Council of Architects, UIA – International Women in Architecture Committee and the Embassy of Spain in Italy. Moreover, it is supported by CSCAE – Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España and COAM – Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid with the contribution of BNL – BNP Paribas.